Beneteau Barracuda 9: the ideal 9m boat for fishing, swimming and cruising


Regala o regalati un abbonamento a Barche a Motore cartaceo + digitale e a soli 39 euro l’anno hai la rivista a casa e in più la leggi su PC, smartphone e tablet. Con un mare di vantaggi.

Did you know that at the Milano Yachting Week – The digital boat show, there is a 9-meter motorboat (in Italy without registration) that serves simultaneously as an ideal boat for fishing, for day trips and for cruises?

Beneteau has created this boat with a triple soul, it’s called Barracuda 9 and you can find it in the reserved dock of Beneteau by Settemari.

This Beneteau is worth three

How did Beneteau manage to bring together in a single hull Barracuda 9 the three possibilities of use fishing / day trips / cruising?

First of all, it started with the hull, the latest version of Beneteau’s patented Air Step, which combines fuel savings, performance and an extremely comfortable passage through the sea. The motorization can reach up to 500 hp with two outboards with large tank capacity (up to 600 liters of fuel).

Then Beneteau’s technicians have made the most of the spaces, starting from the openable and modular cockpit that can be equipped for big fishing, wide passages, large aft window, side doors and partitions that lead to a real sheltered salon with an open kitchen and a control cabin.

Below deck a large cabin and a bathroom in addition to a second cabin with two beds that can also become a storage area.

Beneteau Barracuda 9

Have we intrigued you? Go now to see the Beneteau Barracuda 9, the latest version on the dock at the Milano Yachting Week – The digital boat show, to discover its features, read what new concepts have inspired it, look at the first photos in navigation, those of the interior and the deck.

Just a click to get in touch

And if you would like to learn more from a manager of Settemari by Beneteau or book a visit via email or whatsapp, on the stand you will find the buttons to activate the contact with a click



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