Starting with the understanding that these two points are not priorities in the universe of improvements that can be made to the world of recreational boating, these are nevertheless issues for reflection that need to be addressed, the particular one on the European boating license.
Boating license 2025: two points for improvement
Boating license on app
As of Dec. 4, all citizens can enter their car license, health card and European disability card on their smartphones digitally via the IO app. The digital version has the same validity as physical cards and can be shown to authorities instead of the paper one. The government announced that other documents may also be added to the app in the near future. There has been no mention of boating licenses, which we believe should be rightfully included in this new “digital wallet.”
Proposals – Include the boating license among the digital documents that can be uploaded to the IO app as soon as possible.
European boating license
About the lack of mutual recognition of national boating licenses in the EU, and the many problems it creates, we talked about it extensively in a recent article. There are two options on the (EU) table: single EU boat license or mutual recognition of national licenses.
Proposal- We believe the quickest and most effective solution is mutual recognition of national ratings, as is the case with car licenses.
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All episodes:
- Boat scrapping: the French model
- Skipper in good standing
- Telematics register
- Marinas and berths
- Marine reserves
- Foreign flag: Italian or foreign?
- Boating license: it’s a fee alarm
- Social boating
- Boating license on app
- European boating license
- Regions: resource for boating
- Vessels abroad
- First Aid Kit
- Boating promotion
- Controls at sea
- Life rafts