It was in the air and seems to be coming. By this week, probably between Tuesday and Wednesday, movement between Italian regions could be banned. So goodbye to boat visits and outings for all those who reside in regions other than those where their boat is moored.
Particularly hard hit are residents of the north, Lombardy, Piedmont, Trentino, and so on, who keep their boats at sea in ports inevitably outside their region of residence. This morning we received messages from enthusiasts telling us that they want to .
going to stay in the boat
, before the infraregional blockade. Of course, it can be done, but then you risk getting stuck, so be careful. To always get all the best articles to your email, click here. It’s free!
Closing regions, what does the decree say?
In summary, the decree expected to be approved soon says this: “It will no longer be possible to cross regional boundaries except for “demonstrated need. So work reasons, health reasons or emergencies that will have to be justified by self-certification.”. So wrote the Corriere della Sera this morning.
Lucky are those who keep their boats in the same region where they reside; in fact, there is no limit to boat use. Navigation included. Unless regions, which will have opportunities to tighten national regulations, decide to step in to add additional restrictions. For now very unlikely.
What we recommend
Given the situation that had arisen in March and April, our advice is to visit the boat these days to secure it. Reinforce the moorings, check that it is closed and tied well. An additional tip is to take a peek at your dock neighbors’ boats as well. Not just to mind other people’s business, of course, but also because a badly tied boat can do damage to those around it as well in bad weather.
In short, it is time to prepare the boat for a time when it may not be possible to go and see it easily and frequently. Then prepare a checklist of things to do (and doable in a short time) to have the boat safe. This will allow you to be more comfortable even if you cannot reach it for some time.
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