Dinghy without a license: 3 Joker “packages” that are right for you


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Joker Boats - Coaster 580 Plus
Joker Boat – Coaster 580 Plus

In order to experience the pleasure of sailing, it is not mandatory to spend astronomical sums of money and buy large boats. In many cases a boat license is not even required, as long as you are sailing under 6 miles from the coast with an engine of less than 40.8 horsepower. Several boat manufacturers, especially inflatable boats, have ranges and promotions dedicated specifically to the public who are without a license, such as that of
Joker Boat

Joker Boat – Three “top” inflatable boats without a license

The Lombard yard has thought precisely of the many enthusiasts without a boat license, launching a very interesting promotion valid until the end of the year. In fact, thanks to the collaboration with Yamaha, Raymarine and Santander, Joker Boat offers as many as three different models in package (boat + outboard motor + instrumentation) at a special price.

All three models on offer are in standard coloring with white hull, military gray tubulars and silver cushions. They are sold as a package with a Yamaha HET 40-hp outboard motor complete with propeller, binnacle and tacometer. As for electronics, Raymarine provides (always included in the package) a 7-inch chart display with Element 7S GPS, High CHIRP cone sonar, Wi-FI, and stern transducer.

The shipyard will also be present at the upcoming Genoa Boat Show with the opportunity, for those who wish, to view the Coaster 580 Plus, one of the three models involved in the promotion, which are:

Joker Boat – Coaster 580 Plus (5.85 x 2.54 m)

Joker Boats -- Coaster 580 Plus
Joker Boat – Coaster 580 Plus

In less than 6 meters in length, the Coaster 580 Plus packs everything you might need for a day at sea with friends or family. The deck plan is very large, with a sundeck aft and one forward, below which we find two spacious and convenient lockers. The pilot area is served by a fold-down pilot seat, while in front of it is a second fold-down seat that conceals a watertight storage locker and electrical compartment. The boat is designed to be fun but also comfortable and easy to use, with the not inconsiderable plus of being trailerable.

The model can be seen on display at the Genoa Boat Show at the Joker Boat booth.

  • The price on offer until 12/31/2023 is €38,600 plus VAT

Coaster 580 Plus – Data Sheet


Certification length 5.70 m
Length f.t. 5.85 m
Width f.t. 2.54 m
Inner width 1.38 m
Dry weight 600 kg
Tubular diameter 55/40 cm
Serb. fuel 110 L
Max. flow rate. 10 people
Motorization min. 1 x 40 hp / max. 1 x 130 hp
Storage lockers 8
Design category C
Contact jokerboat.com

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Joker Boat – Coaster 520 (5.06 x 2.58 m)

Joker Boats - Coaster 520
Joker Boat – Coaster 520

The Coaster 520 is an inflatable boat just 5 meters long, but some clever solutions make it seem much more spacious. For example, in the bow, where we find the sunbathing area that extends to the piloting area, served by a seat with a fold-down back that allows for a second sundeck. In the stern, on the other hand, in addition to the large locker more than two meters long, we find two side passages at the two teak-lined swim platforms, which ideally could also accommodate two outboards as opposed to the single one in the standard configuration.

  • The price on offer until 12/31/2023 is €31,900 plus VAT

Coaster 520 – Data Sheet

Certification length 5.06 m
Length f.t. 5.07 m
Width f.t. 2.58 m
Inner width 1.41 m
Dry weight 500 kg
Tubular diameter 55/40 cm
Serb. fuel 86 L
Max. flow rate. 8 people
Motorization min. 1 x 40 hp / max. 1 x 130 hp
Storage lockers 4
Design category C
Contact jokerboat.com

Joker Boat – Barracuda 580 (5.85 x 2.54 m)

Joker Boats - Barracuda 580
Joker Boat – Barracuda 580

Great for recreational but also for fishing, the Barracuda 580 adopts has several interesting features, both fore and aft. Starting from the rear area, one can appreciate details that will not be missed by fishing enthusiasts, such as the central live bait tank, the high-pressure pump for cleaning the cockpit, and the two stainless steel rod holders. The center console is served by a seat with a fold-down backrest, while in the bow we find plenty of lockers, removable catch basins, and two seating/sunbathing areas.

  • The price on offer until 12/31/2023 is €36,800 plus VAT

Barracuda 580 – Data Sheet


Certification length 5.85 m
Length f.t. 5.85 m
Width f.t. 2.54 m
Inner width 1.38 m
Dry weight 600 kg
Tubular diameter 55/40 cm
Serb. fuel 110 L
Max. flow rate. 8 people
Motorization min. 1 x 40 hp / max. 1 x 130 hp
Storage lockers 8
Design category C
Contact jokerboat.com
  • The price on offer until 12/31/2023 is €36,800 plus VAT



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