European Powerboat Award: the top 5 boats, which one is the best?


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European Powerboat Award 2024
European Powerboat Award 2024

Boot Düsseldorf 2024
a major prize in the boating world will be awarded: theEuropean Powerboat Award 2024 . In the fierce segment of boats close to 10 meters there are five finalists:

European Powerboat Award – Vessels up to 10 m

In this 80% range, outboard boats dominate. Apart from the Sea Ray, in fact, all other boats are born or exclusively designed for outboard propulsion. Another favorite element seems to be the presence of one or more beds. In short, space below deck seems to be in high demand even on this all in all relatively “small” range.

European Powerboat Award 2024 (up to 10 m) – What is the best

We are looking at five very different hulls, however similar in size. Each could win because ultimately in judging which boat is better than another. An important role, after all, is played by the type of use, the owner, where he lives. Weekender, Nordic, pure sporty, fast-commuter? Let’s take a closer look at them:

Ranieri Int. 275 LX: the Mediterranean weekender

We start with the only Italian in this review: the Ranieri Int. 275 LX, one of the very latest models presented by the shipyard. It is available in two different versions: LX, in the running to be among the boats of the year, but also SL: read Motor Boats’ comparison test between the two modelshere. The strengths of this 8-meter powerboat are in its completeness despite its small size. It is purely Mediterranean, with an all-open deck, galley, aft convivial area and relaxation in the bow. It reaches and exceeds 45 knots. A great compromise that meets both deck livability and weekender needs, but in a small size.

Ranieri International 275 LX
Ranieri International 275 LX

The Nordic “American-style” weekender.

Navan is the new brand of the American giant Brunswick (owner of brands such as Mercury Marine, Boston Whaler, Quicksilver, Searay). The first two boats born from the shipyard are the Navan C30 and the S30. Peculiar was the jury’s choice of theEuropean Boat Award 2024, instead of the Mediterranean twin: the S30. In our comparison of the two models (read here Navan C30 vs S30) we “preferred” the latter, but probably because of its more Mediterranean and less Nordic DNA. The fact remains that the solutions on board the S30 are among the most innovative seen recently, not least the seat that “hides” the kitchen. From its side, the C30 definitely has the fact that it is an all-season boat, usable all year round, with a solid hull and “fast-commuter” performance.

Navan C30 – Cockpit

Born in the USA: Sea Ray 260 SLX

American style, but liked all over the world: the Sea Ray SLX 260 is the typical U.S. boat for enjoying the day on the water. Easy access to the sea with an XL transom and retractable ladder and expanded sundeck. Very “US” is the refrigerated locker built into the transom that can be filled with ice and drinks or kept empty as classic “storage.” The updated cockpit layout includes L-shaped benches with deeper seats.

Sea Ray 260 SLX
Sea Ray 260 SLX

Sterk 31, the thoroughbred

Running here. The Sterk 31 debuted in 2023 at Boot Düsseldorf, but it was after the sea trial that we fell in love with it. Wonderful hull, 60-knot top speed, and an extra comfortable deck. If desired, there is also a double berth under the aft sundeck and a forward toilet in the consoles. In short, a very fast speedboat, but one that also concedes something to cruising. Among established brands with productions of hundreds (or thousands) of boats, Sterk is a white fly at this review being a “fledgling” shipyard. The company(MS-Marine) that builds the Sterk of the rest does not lack experience.

Sterk 31
Sterk 31

Parker 100 Sorrento

The flagship of this review is called Parker 100 Sorrento. It is a veritable “pocket” sport cruiser and is equipped with two outboards. The hull is double-step, synonymous with a focus on performance and sailing comfort. Objective cruising, then, but with a fast and all in all compact boat.

Parker 100 Sorrento
Parker 100 Sorrento




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