Top Yacht Design

Five years after its launch, Top Yacht Design returns to the scene with an even more appealing new look, a larger format and intriguing new content. This important milestone also testifies to the soundness of a successful publishing project, which has been very effective in following the enormous transformation taking place in the marine industry in recent years. This momentous shift has also underscored the need to research and bring to market a formula with a focus on original content that is also a clear departure from the standard. With this in mind, Top Yacht Design broadens its horizons and debuts in the world of watchmaking, which has long drawn on the sea as a fertile source of inspiration. Watches by Design reflects the philosophy of the main magazine and enriches the range of choices it offers its readers.

But it doesn’t stop there. Top Yacht Design is also involved in major sailing competitions that often serve as research laboratories for experimenting with cutting-edge technical solutions. Beginning, of course, with the America’s Cup, an event to which the magazine has devoted an entire section that also includes a series of in-depth features that shed new light on the competition. The same meticulous research is evident in solutions and proposals from the world of furniture and design, which are increasingly proving to be the sap of unprecedented creative contamination. Hence the need to publish not just a magazine but, more importantly, a complete editorial package that addresses the topic of design in all its forms, starting with yachts. Significantly, it does so both on paper and through an online platform. Top Yacht Design, in fact, puts the very term of design under the microscope, explores it and acquaints readers with it firsthand, revealing its myriad meanings and applications and interactions with other fields. This authoritative new publishing system draws on Matteo Zaccagnino ‘s 30 years of experience in the world of journalism. Its mission is joined by the industry’s most prestigious authors to ensure that the needs of an increasingly broad, demanding and inspiration-hungry audience are met.

Top Yacht Design’s subscription formulas

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