The restaurant comes to your boat and you eat like a king with Foodinghy


Regala o regalati un abbonamento a Barche a Motore cartaceo + digitale e a soli 39 euro l’anno hai la rivista a casa e in più la leggi su PC, smartphone e tablet. Con un mare di vantaggi.

Foodinghy boat

At Milano Yachting Week – The digital boat Show you also discover what you don’t expect as Foodinghy. This innovative Foodinghy service allows us sea lovers to receive a lunch or dinner on board, at anchor or in port, from a restaurant. By now home delivery is a widespread phenomenon, which in recent months has also been accentuated. At sea, of course, does not arrive a bike, but a tender that brings you on board steaming dishes from the best restaurants in the area. Beautiful, no?

With Foodinghy your restaurant comes to your boat

The service is very simple. Just go to their website, choose the dishes you want on board and in 30 minutes they will arrive. All year round even when, out of season, you go to your boat and you don’t really feel like going out.

If you want to learn more about the characteristics of the “restaurant on board” service, go immediately to the service pavilion of Milano Yachting Week by clicking here. You will also discover who is behind this innovative idea by listening to the interview with the founder Andrea Guagno who got tired of eating pizza and focaccia when he was in the roadstead. And if you are a restaurant by the sea and want to increase the income of your restaurant you can contact them to become a Foodinghy restaurant.

To know more about it

If you want to learn more and receive more personalized info, just click on the email or whatsapp button. You will receive an answer immediately.



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