Music on the boat like at home: this is how


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With Fusion systems, created to recreate the best musical experience on board, everyone listens to what they want as they want, but when it’s time to party the whole boat goes wild together.
The watchword is high satisfaction. That is to say, when you get on a boat where the management of music is entrusted to a Fusion system, you know Fusion is a company founded in New Zealand, now part of the Garmin group that deals with music on board or more properly with entertainment sse, amplifiers and dockings for smartphones specific for the marine environment. Three are the main guidelines that have guided its development: the quality sound experience; the extreme ease of use and installation; the aesthetics of the products.

The company’s most recent creation is the RA670 stereo unit, part of the range called Apollo, the god of music in Greek mythology. This series of products was created to meet the needs of boats of a larger size and type than the classic American sportboats or weekends that have been Fusion’s main customers up to now.

“Designed specifically for yachts of 50′, 60′ and up to 120′, with different needs and characteristics”, says Simone Bertolini, sales manager for Southern Europe and Middle East of the brand. If, in fact, on an open 25′ boat one stereo is sufficient, it is very likely that on a 50′ stereo there are at least two, one inside and one on the fly, if not even one in the owner’s cabin.

Here comes the stroke of genius, with the RA670, but also with the flagship RA770 and the SRX 440 single zone stereo plus stereo link each other and replicate the same music on the various parts of the boat. So you can have the scenario in which in the cockpit you hear a piece of music broadcast on the radio, on the fly you hear the game and on the sundeck someone who listens to his playlist loaded on the phone broadcast via bluethoot. Simone explains: “Then, there comes the moment when the whole boat wants to listen to the same thing and this is easily possible because the Apollo system has been integrated into a protocol called Party Bus that allows, on different stereos, connected to different speakers in different areas of the boat, to transmit what is played from a single source, which can be internal to the stereo as the FM / AM radio or digital DAB +, USB, Apple Play, Android systems and even with optical cable to the television. (The article continues below the video)

In addition, with DSP (Digital Sound Processor) technology, the sound sent to the Fusion speakers is optimized for each on-board zone, providing personalized listening in any environment. “Each link in the audio chain is studied by Fusion engineers who have already optimised the signal according to the type of loudspeaker installed and the area of the boat, without this work having to be done by the listener. And the Fusion-Link app makes it easy to set up pre-configured DSP profiles for the best listening experience.

Another fascinating element of the system is that the RA770 and SRX 440 have an integrated wifi that can be used to create a network without the need for cables and if the boat is equipped with its own wifi the router on board can be the means with which to control all the music diffusion and decide either from the phone, from a stereo, from the small but complete remote control associated with different stereos or even from your own Garmin quatix 5 smartwatch on which and how much stereo to go to act and adjust the music for the whole boat or just for an area. Obviously all the controls listed above can manage one stereo at a time even without wifi. In short, with Fusion, get on board and your only thought is what to listen to with the utmost satisfaction.



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