FVG Marinas is the “maxi-network” of 7,000 moorings (from 3 to 60 meters)


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In just 93 km at the top of the Adriatic FVG Marinas offers 7,000 berths from 3 to 60 meters in 20 tourist port facilities, a record. These Marinas have decided to team up under the FVG Marinas umbrella.

FVG Marinas – The Network

The 20 member marinas cover one of the most beautiful maxi-gulfs in the Mediterranean, from the nearby Slovenian border to the Veneto border. But what more does the FVG Marinas network offer? We asked the administrators.

FVG Marinas – How the Adriatic maxiport came into being.

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Marinas Business Network, under the FVG Marinas brand, existed long before it was officially established in 2016.

It was the year 2006 when the volcanic Spanish manager, who landed in Friuli to head the Regional Tourism Agency, superimposed on the designations of Marina, Dockyard and Tourist Port, the designation of “Nautical Station” reserved for those landings that had demonstrated the ability to manage reception.

The FVG Marinas network. 1. Marina Uno Resort Marina – 2. Marina Punta Verde – 3. Marina Punta Faro Resort – Old Port Dock 4. – 5. Aprilia Marittima 2000 Dry Marina – 6. Dry Marina Punta Gabbiani – 7. Marina Resort Punta Gabbiani – 8. Marina Stella Resort – 9. portomaran – 10. Cantieri Marina San Giorgio – 11. Marina Planais – 12. Shipyard & Marina Sant’Andrea – 13. Porto San Vito – 14. St. Mark’s Dock – 15. Marina Primero – 16. Marina Monfalcone – 17. Marina Lepanto Resort – 18. Portopiccolo – 19. Marina San Giusto – 20. Porto San Rocco Marina Resort.

Josef Ejarque had thus conveyed a simple, but very important message that has been passed on to the twenty netters who now offer 7,000 moorings from 3 to 60 meters in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

We are not moorers, we are tour operators.”
proclaim the nautical entrepreneurs of the FVG Marinas Network who manage about half of the region’s 15,000 moorings, from Muggia to the mouth of the Tagliamento River.

The receptions of a FVG-branded nautical station should no longer be just an arrival point
” points out one of the five administrators.” whether the receptionists will be able to suggest, in multiple languages-gentlemen change-to stimulate them to explore behind Friuli Venezia Gulia’s 93 kilometers of coastline.

FVG Marinas – The yachtsman discovering Friuli

Indeed, in the morphology of Friuli Venezia Giulia one finds that: just a stone’s throw from the piers lies the historic line, which begins at Concordia Sagittaria, on the border between the Veneto and Friuli, and passes through the star of Palmanova, the monumental Aquileia, the Lombard Cividale, past the fort of Gradisca, the castle of Gorizia to reach, after the Habsburg Trieste, the remains of the last Elleri castelliere at Muggia Vecchia, right on the border with Slovenia.


Those who moor in Friuli Venezia Giulia should be informed that, close to the historical roots”
interjects another administrator “
there is the food and wine belt with San Daniele ham, the fine wines of Collio, and the ancient Austro-Hungarian-Slovene recipes of the Karst of Trieste.”

To crown it all, I would add, is the mountains with the ski resorts and summer trails of the Friulian Dolomites, which recently became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

So what is the mission of FVG Marinas? The answer comes immediately clear is strong.

“Every yachtsman who chooses FVG Marinas as his port of call must become a tourist, he must be well informed about how to visit the Unesco jewels of Aquileia, Palmanova and Cividale; he must have the map to navigate ashore among 80 wineries that make up the Movimento del Turismo del Vino del Friuli Venezia Giulia network.”

Miramare Castle Trieste
Miramare Castle Trieste

Not just a boat to moor

Especially in summer, you will need the coordinates to visit international exhibitions in Villa Manin, Udine, Gorizia, and, having arrived in Trieste, point out where the historic cafes and theaters are, and where the main folk, musical, and cultural events take place.

FVG Marinas administrators boast that they are the largest, and perhaps the first network in the marine industry in Italy.

In fact, it was seen that FVG Marinas has always presented itself at the most interesting boat shows in Dusseldorf and Tulln arm in arm with Turismo FVG -the regional promotion agency- and is renewing its communication.

We got out of the usual cliché in which we bragged about having parking spaces, toilets, water and electricity” with a latent criticism of competitors, then specifies “Professionalism presupposes all this, and exclusive pluses should be emphasized, which for our Central European audience are the past and present treasures of Italian Style that in Friuli Venezia Giulia fear no comparison“.

Why choose Friuli Venezia Giulia

It is evident from these words that they refer especially to the eastern shores of the Adriatic, which are super-crowded with boaters in the summer, although many controversial judgments have emerged recently.

For example, “Italian” vessels, because they are without registration, are banned from Slovenia. Since January, the euro has been adopted in Croatia, so it has become easier to figure out how much you have actually come to spend on food. Taxes due for navigation safety, aka road tax, will also be transparent, That must pay for all boats longer than 2.5m Or with the motor power greater than 5kW; Also in euro from January 2023 is the tourist tax for boats longer than 7 meters equipped with berths.

For some time now, in fact, the classic recipe for “scampi in busera” or baked “brancin” (bred?) has not cost less at all than in Italy, and if then the shopkeepers fall into the temptation, well known to us, to round up the transformation of Kuna/Euro menus, it will be time to go and find out how they make Conero soup or Pescara-style brodetto.

Incidentally, sliced fish soup in Trieste, is made in red and is very different from the liquid Marano soup and all the more different from the pepato boreto gradese. The wateriness stimulated my idea of a “soup tour” from Muggia to Lignano or vice versa, by boat of course.



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