Life raft overhaul is one of the fixed costs burdening the boater and is among the most inconvenient tasks to handle. Keeping this life-saving accessory efficient is a must, but are we sure that the recalls provided in Italy are dictated only by safety requirements? In our country for the life raft there is a “routine” overhaul every 2 years and an extraordinary (more expensive) overhaul every 4.
Raft within 12 miles
In 2024, we saw a change in the issue for navigation within 12 miles. The collective life-saving craft provided for navigation within 12 miles of the coast may be replaced by a CE-marked inflatable boat, provided it is a ready-to-use unit, equipped with an onboard ascent device and the survival kit provided for the equivalent collective life-saving craft.
In addition, it must be able to take on board the number of people on board, including the crew. Basically, the tender can operate without any problems as a raft within 12 miles if it meets all the above parameters.
In France: same rafts, different rules
In France, overhaul of the same type of rafts (and by the same companies) is every 3 years plus a cylinder change only every 9 years. Why this (not insignificant) difference? Why not standardize the revision of rafts to the French criteria by lengthening the revision deadlines.