Nautica Bertelli becomes official Sealine dealer


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Sealine C335 - Sealine Yachts
Sealine C335 – Sealine Yachts

Nautica Bertelli, a dealer present on Lake Iseo and in the Gulf of Tigullio, becomes the official dealer of the Sealine shipyard. Cutting-edge design, luxurious comfort, top performance and German engineering precision: this is what Sealine yachts are synonymous with. Founded in 1972 and since 2013 part of HanseYachts AG, the Sealine brand with its range of boats synthesizes what is most modern on the market.

Nautica Bertelli is an official Sealine dealer

Sealine currently has 12 models in its portfolio within the 4 series: Cruiser, Flybridge, Sport and Outboard V. The Cruiser series includes the C335, C390, C430 and C530 models, which perfectly combine flexibility, space and luxury atmosphere. The two Flybridge F430 and F530, organization of space and grand 360-degree views. The S sports line includes the S335, S390 and S430 models. The perfect combination of sportiness and comfort, thanks to this line you can enjoy the “convertible” feeling. Outboard series models C335v, S335v and the C390v for an exceptionally dynamic riding experience.

SEALINE S390 – 12.5 m

Sealine S390 - Sealine
Sealine S390 – Sealine

Sealine at Cannes 2022 brings the long-awaited S390, based on the platform of the C390 Coupe. Designed by Bill Dixon, it is a version that focuses heavily on exterior livability with an open cockpit and a bright master cabin. On deck, shading the entire surface, is a hard-top that reaches aft but can be opened to ventilate and enhance livability enhanced by various fittings including a galley, sink, grill, and refrigerator. Below deck, owners can choose one of several layouts. Basically there is a forward master cabin, a double (or even triple) aft cabin, a saloon and a bathroom. The hull is designed for two 320-hp Volvo Penta D4 engines or two 380-hp D4 engines with the ability to touch a top speed of about 34 knots.

Nautica Bertelli


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