Quick Nautical Network, the last frontier of the connected boat. Managing all the functions of a boat with one finger from the chart plotter is no longer science fiction, at least for Quick Spa. Set anchor, change the lights, activate the stabilizer: just one click and it’s done. How? Thanks to the QNN, the Quick Nautical Network. It is one of the last devices born in Quick’s house that is gathering success all over the world, both among shipowners and shipyards.
How Quick Nautical Network works
The Quick Nautical Network is a gateway that allows you to easily manage all Quick products on board, directly from the chart plotter. Not only this: on the other hand prefer the linear aesthetics and design of the latest generation of boats remoting all the tools to have only the chart plotter on the bridge, even in case of the second station.
Watch the video to understand how the QNN works
It is possible to integrate the QNNN to a latest-generation Chartplotter compatible with HTML5 protocol. To date, Quick Spa has also signed important collaborations with important international electronics companies and brands such as Simrad, Raymarine and Garmin.
Quick Nautical Network
But how does it work in practice? By simply selecting the icon of the QNN you can access the homepage of the QNN itself where you can find six different functions (Mc² Quick Gyro Gyro Stabilizers, Anchoring System, Thruster System, Battery Chargers, Inverter, Lighting System) that can be managed directly through the latest generation of cartography.