Radar for everyone


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Until a few years ago, radar could only be used on large hulls. Today, costs have fallen, dimensions have shrunk and technological developments have enabled radar to interface with the entire navigation system.

What it does

Radar reduces the risk of collision, especially in poor visibility. The waves emitted by the antenna when it intercepts a vessel allow its position to be displayed directly on the instrument screen, enabling the helmsman to keep an eye on dangerous crossings.

All boats must be fitted with a radar reflector (passive or active: the former merely reflect the signal, the latter electronically amplify it), which ‘sends’ the wave back once it has been hit.

Thanks to improved technology in the construction of solid-state components (i.e. using semiconductor elements such as silicon, germanium, etc.), the latest generation of radars, which do not require very high power, have transmitters made entirely of solid-state components (which operate at low voltages and continue to function if an amplifier fails).


Simrad / HALO20+

The HALO20+ radar offers near real-time, short-range operation at 60 rpm (one per second). It allows you to identify hazards instantly thanks to doppler radar technology and enjoy short and long range coverage (up to 36 miles) via a single 20-inch radome antenna.

Simrad / HALO20+

INFO: www.simrad-yachting.com


Furuno / DRS6A-NXT

This is the first X-Band Open Array antenna with high definition Solid-State technology (without magnetron). The ARPA function is greatly enhanced: it only takes a few seconds to receive the speed and direction information of a target and see it on the display. Up to 40 ARPA targets can be acquired simultaneously with this function.

Furuno / DRS6A-NXT

INFO: www.furuno.com


Raymarine / Magnum

Raymarine’s Magnum high-performance open-field radars increase range and allow small target radar images to be displayed on Raymarine multifunction navigation displays. Magnum is available in 4 kW or 12 kW powers, with either a 1.31 m or 1.92 m antenna.

Raymarine / Magnum

INFO: www.raymarine.it


Garmin / GMR Fantom

The 50W and 120W Fantom open array GMR radars feature MotionScope technology to detect moving objects to avoid collisions, find flocks of seagulls and monitor weather conditions, while Pulse Compression provides high resolution images and reduces power consumption, helping to detect and identify targets.

Garmin / GMR Fantom

INFO: www.garmin.com



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