Hefty fine and ruined boating vacation for a reader who, in Giannutri, was fined almost 500 euros because, according to the Carabinieri’s findings (by the way, wasn’t it supposed to be only the Coast Guard that was in charge of sea controls?), he was too close to the reef.
So far – you will say, nothing strange.
The complaint of Paolo Martella, however, owner of a 12-meter boat, relates to what he considers a “strict application of the ordinance and related sanction disproportionate in this case.”
Simply put, according to Martella, double standards have been applied: one for him, the other for the many boats that invade Giannutri every summer, not respecting the distance limit from the coast (1oo meters) stipulated by the local ordinance and which, punctually, are not sanctioned.
Even, there are those who anchor themselves with ropes ashore (forbidden in Italy). Here is his account. Read it, and let us know if you agree with it.
The letter of challenge
“I am referring to the Arma militia dispute report No. 56 of 2024 for which I consider the strict application of the ordinance and related penalty disproportionate in this case. The penalty imposed was € 459.00! (with the possibility of a 30% reduction if paid within 5 days, as I did) because according to the survey done to my boat it was at 10.05 at 70 meters from the reef and there was a bather in the water: it was at anchor with relative markings on 22 meters of bathymetry with more than 60 meters of chain, thus moving according to the wind and current. Therefore it was not sailing in the presence of bathers, by the way the person in the water was my wife. No dangerous situation for people or property. One might think that this is a particular system “of making cash” that could also amount to unjust enrichment. As a validation of the above on the next day August 10, 2024, just for information, I counted more than 60 boats, at the time not allowed, moored in Cala Spalmatoio well within 100 meters of the reef. In the attached photo from 11 a.m. on August 28, again in Cala Spalmatoio, as is often the case, I noticed a shuttle with lines on the ground; in this case is there a shooting on the spot! When and how applicable is this decree? Instead of the number of minutes 56 one could easily reach a few thousand such objections per day. On another occasion, again in the Tuscan archipelago, there were some boats at anchor near the area not allowed for ferry maneuvering area: the Coast Guard intervened and politely warned them to move away without drawing up any report, as I would also have expected from your Arma militia, who collected all the documents without anything to say and showed up after about 20 minutes with the report to be signed. Adequate reimbursement of what I believe was unduly paid would be appreciated. With observance.” Paul Martella
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