Sergio Davì crosses Mexico (in his 11 mt dinghy) and heads for Los Angeles


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Daví to Los Angeles
Daví to Los Angeles

Sergio Davì is getting closer and closer to the end of his very long journey that saw him leave now more than five months ago in an 11-meter dinghy from Palermo. Direction? Los Angeles. Yesterday he arrived in Ensenada, Mexico, a stone’s throw from the U.S. border. Now there are only two steps separating him from his goal.

Sergio Davì overcomes Mexico and sets his sights on Los Angeles

Although approaching the final stages, Sergio Davì’s journey still presents pitfalls. To travel the approximately 550 miles that separated San Carlos, the starting place of this third last leg, and Ensenada, Daví took a full 34 hours due to rough seas ahead. Before this stage there had been a long stop due precisely to weather conditions. A 38-foot dinghy such as his, while also suitable for challenging conditions, would have been put under too much strain by strenuous sailing for such a long time. Suffice it to say that the two Suzukis per mile consumed about 3.9 liters per mile, complicit in the dirty hull due to the contrary sea.
Daví had arrived in early April in Mexico, and after several stops and some long layovers he is now ready for the last fateful miles.

Read here all the articles on Sergio Davì

To follow Sergio Davì and his Arethusa Explorer in real time, click here


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