Peak mooring: what does it mean? A point mooring is defined as having the yacht arranged perpendicular to the dock, with the bow or stern tied to shore and the opposite side to a dead body, one or two bricolas, or directly on the anchor. It is the most common berth in every marina in the world because it allows for greater and more rational use of berthing space. The lines should always be tensioned symmetrically, to be able to maintain proper alignment, if necessary always trying to spread the cables sufficiently ashore, so as to be less affected by any wind effects on the side or tidal currents
Set sail with tip mooring
First, what does “sail” mean? To hoist means “to pull up the anchor from the bottom of the sea. It can be done by hand in smaller boats or with an electric windlass on boats that are equipped with one. That said, in Italian today, salpare also means to leave the moorings to leave the dock, without necessarily “physically” pulling up the anchor.
Set sail with tip mooring with stern in dock
Having the stern at the dock is the optimal condition for a pleasant harbor life (being easier to get off and back on the boat) and especially for a “clean” exit. In fact, to set sail it is almost always sufficient to make sure there are no floating lines in the water that can be caught by the propeller. Then (after dutifully warming up the engine and observing that other yachts are not maneuvering) you retrieve all the mooring lines on board, engage the forward gear, and give a light throttle to start moving the boat.
As always, every movement should be made at low speed, remembering that in abrupt course changes the yacht rotates precisely around a hypothetical axis. For added peace of mind (e.g., when there might be cables, grippie or other semi-floating objects) the boat can be slid out of the space by force of arms.
In this case one should always avoid clinging to the drapes or on the neighbor’s candlesticks. In almost all cases, this causes the stanchions to loosen and even bend. Rather properly use the half sailor pointing along the foresail or, at the limit, pushing on the shrouds in the case of nearby sailboats and pulpits, which are much stronger than the dragnets. As for the cables, if there is no wind or undertow, they can be retrieved on board upon departure. Otherwise, it is necessary to definitely set up the doubles and make their recovery only after the boat is already moving.
Set sail with tip mooring with bow in dock
If one has to go out in reverse, one must keep in mind the inevitable greater difficulty in steering the yacht, due to the low effectiveness of the rudder (which comes to be in an abnormal “forward” position), combined with the evolutionary effect of the propeller. In particular, the latter acts right from the start, when the hull is still stationary and thus the effect of the rudder almost nil. Therefore, it is necessary to counteract its tendency to make the boat rotate in an undesirable way from the very beginning. Once you have acquired a slight abbrivium you can proceed as in the previous case.