After 6 days and 8 hours of nonstop sailing, Sergio Davì and Teo Aiello arrived in French Guiana, in the city of Kourou. With about 1,770 total miles, the two navigators aboard the Arethusa Explorer set two new records. Davì is now, practically, halfway along the route that is taking him from Palermo to Los Angeles.
Don’t miss tomorrow night’s live broadcast(Tuesday, Feb. 15, 9 p.m. Italian time) of Barche a Motore on Facebook and Youtube, in which Sergio Davì will talk about his journey so far, what lies ahead, and, during which, you can ask any questions you want!
How to watch live with Sergio Davì
The live broadcasts will be shown simultaneously on the Facebook and Youtube channels of Barche a Motore magazine. It will be an opportunity to learn more about Sergio Davì’s journey (10,000 miles from Palermo to Los Angeles), but especially how his recent crossing of the Atlantic Ocean went, a very challenging undertaking aboard a 10-meter dinghy. From the human aspect to the more practical (and logistical), there are many points we will touch on tomorrow. So what to do not to miss the live broadcast? Click on these two links(Facebook and Youtube) and activate the reminder for tomorrow night.