In recent times we have published several articles between web and paper on foil boats. On the web, the topic has sparked detractors and enthusiasts of the issue. We receive by the way a letter from one of our subscribers, Dario Chieregato, who wrote to us to give his opinion arguing in favor of foils. We were pleased and agree with your politely and accurately expressed views on the issue. And then who would have thought it: the owner of a Sciallino 35 defending the foil world! Here is his letter.
Related articles:
- Even your dinghy can put on foils: here’s how
- Electric and with foils. We tried Candela, the revolutionary
“Stop saying monate about boats with foils.”
Hi guys, I have been following you for a little over a year and I am the proud owner of a Sciallino 35 Cabin. You will smile, given the model of boat I own, when you read my remarks. I put my hands out!
I have noticed that when you talk about boats with foils (like HERE or like HERE, ed.), there is a ruckus of comments on the web. There are those who “eh but it costs too much,” others who “How do you moor with foils, do you pay for the wider berth? What about the draft?”, or those of “but how can you sail these boats when there are waves and bad weather?”
With this modest email of mine I wanted to respond, now that I have time because this emergency has put me “quarantined” and I am away from my displaced Sciallino, to all the detractors of “flying boats.” STOP SAYING MONATE!
First, the costs: it is normal that, for now, they are a bit higher. Shipyards are exploring the technology, some models I believe are electric as well. What is the problem? Whoever has the schei, as we say in my neck of the woods (I’m from Veneto), is free to spend it as he wishes. I don’t recall hearing any criticism aimed at early Tesla owners-and Elon Musk’s cars guys, they cost a bundle in the beginning! – For buying themselves a vehicle at the cutting edge of technology. Or to those who spend their money on a nice Lotus. Will one be free to decide whether he wants to fly on water or spend his money on other ‘vices’?
On mooring with foils nothing to say except that you just need to inquire, at least from what I understand. As far as I have read in 99.99% of cases, foils are not fixed, but are “retractable,” pass me that term, and have the same beam as regular boats and therefore also the same draft.
Finally, to those who call into question the navigational difficulties of foil boats: in my opinion, you are precisely the same ones who as soon as a three-foot wave mounts you stand nice and quiet in the harbor or on the beach, and don’t give a second thought to taking the swell with your fisherman, boston whaler or dinghy whatever. So: if there is sea, I simply don’t use my foil boat any more than I use my dinghy if I don’t feel like putting my soul back in! In my experience as a yachtsman, when the sea rises a bit you always see very few boats out…and thank goodness for that. In this case I think it would be Like criticizing a Lamborghini because on dirt roads it doesn’t go!
Hoping to have made in my small way, a useful contribution, I greet you and thank you if you would like to publish this letter.
Dario Chieregato
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