The Pearl 82 is the new 5-cabin maxi cruiser (25.30 m)


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A cruiser for the widest horizons, to be enjoyed in the utmost comfort, taking advantage of every area and corner of its 25.3 meters. It is the new Pearl 82, an elegant, luxurious cruising yacht centered around one main, basic concept: the pleasure of life spent on board. Designed to foster the joys of sailing, in all its forms, from the comfort of its exteriors, to the luxury of its interiors, the Pearl 82 is a gentle giant, a yacht that knows its craft well (nor does it sacrifice performance).

Pearl 82

Available in Veranda and Riviera versions, Pearl Yachts’ new 82-footer offers features new to the class, starting with the raised pilothouse and master-suite on the main deck. But attention and elegance are not limited to new features, because the focus moves along the entire design space, complete with excellent exteriors and modern and pleasant interiors, served by as many as five total cabins, plus two extras for crew. All this, without forgetting the remarkable focus on performance, boasting over 280 nautical miles of range and top speeds of 33 knots.

Also discover the younger brother of Pearl 82:

Pearl 72 è lo yacht (22 m) con 4 cabine e garage tender XL

The article on Pearl 82 continues below.

Pearl 82 – Blanket

Starting with the exteriors, it is first necessary to say a few words about the design of the volumes, which are here handled and rendered in an impeccable manner, with wide “cuts” to streamline the dead work, glazing capable of lightening the bulk of the hull, emphasizing its soaring. The volumes are indeed imposing, on paper, but generously handled once in the water, drawing a light and pleasantly dynamic yacht. Well-balanced notes due to the lines of the fly and its top.

Pearl 82

Looking at the spaces, aft one is immediately greeted by a sizable, movable beach area to give free access to the tender garage, capacious and capable of accommodating jet skis, tenders and water toys. Immediately beyond, in the cockpit, the distinctions between the Riviera and Veranda models emerge: in the former, the cockpit consists of a large sundeck with sunken sofas and fold-down walls, while, in the latter, the space is instead occupied by two sofas, facing a central table.

Pearl 82 – Aft Area

Just beyond, a broadside walkway leads to the bow, a staircase leads to the fly, and a wide passageway overlooks the salon. In the bow, spaces are dominated by a huge sundeck, while a long sofa is recessed in the deckhouse, served by a central coffee table.

Pearl 82 – Bow Lounge

Coming to the Fly, the available spaces are more than generous and offer, in addition to a full wheelhouse, a wall sofa (including a C-shaped one with a table), a sundeck and the inevitable furniture.

Pearl 82 – Fly bridge

Pearl 82 – Interior

The focus placed on the interior emphasizes the great attention given to pleasant stays. In fact, the Pearl 82 features a large salon on the main deck, overlooking the cockpit and bathed in plays of light thanks to the various windows that surround it. This is home to an excellent dining area, a living area complete with sofa and lounge area, and a second access to the Fly.

Pearl 82

SalonDown the bow, on the port broadside, is the galley, while the central forward area is dedicated to services and access to the lower level. Instead, a companionway on the starboard broadside gives privacy to the master suite, the master stateroom, located precisely on the main deck. This one turns out to be particularly voluminous, complete with vestibule, double bed, sofa and private bathroom.

Pearl 82 – Master Suite

Finally, 4 cabins (plus the two crew) take their place on the lower deck, thus defining it as the ultimate sleeping area. In the middle of the boat are two twin doubles, while in the bow take their place a twin-bedded and a third double. Needless to say, each cabin enjoys a private service.

Pearl 82 – Motorization and performance

Propelling the 25-plus meters of the Pearl 82, in standard version, participates a pair of 1650-horsepower MANs, optionally also available in 1900-hp and 2000-hp pairs. The total tank accommodates up to 6290 liters of fuel, providing ranges close to 287 nautical miles. Instead, the top speed stands at 33 knots.

Pearl 82 – Data Sheet

Length Over All (LOA) 25.30 m
Baglio Massimo 6.34 m
Fishing 1.9 m
Full Load Displacement 78.4 t
Standard Motorization 2x MAN 1650 hp
Optional Motorization 1 2x MAN 1900 hp
Optional Motorization 2 2x MAN 2000 hp
Maximum Speed 33 kn
Cruising autonomy 287 mn
Fuel Tank 6290 lt.
Fresh Water Tank 1400 lt
Grey Water Tank 830 lt.
Black Water Tank 830 lt.
Places to sleep 10 + 3


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