Anyone intending to purchase a boat knows that in addition to the initial expense of buying it, one must consider-and not underestimate-a large number of variables that can be summed up in 3 words: maintenance cost.
For those who already have a boat, on the other hand, it may be interesting to have a term of comparison: let’s turn the floor over to the experts who will explain how much is spent on a 10-meter boat (upper limit of the type of boat that does not require registration). As you will notice, the range of costs changes significantly, especially with regard to port, insurance and labor costs depending on whether you or professionals are doing them.
Power boats, how much does it cost to maintain them for a year?
The time frame in which the expenses of maintaining a boat can be calculated is the year, which does not correspond to the solar year, however, since seasonality influences and punctuates the expenses that the boat owner faces. This vessel must definitely have a stable mooring at sea, and the annual cost varies, for example, depending on the services offered. First problem, it must also have a place to put it back every year to accomplish routine maintenance.
Mooring at sea and on land: costs
Let’s say right off the bat that those who can keep the boat out of the water for a couple of months are able to preserve it from many drawbacks, including the biggest bogeyman: osmosis.” At that time, maintenance work is done.
– Average annual mooring cost in equipped harbor for a 10-meter motor boat: 2,000 to 4,500 euros.
– Average cost for two-month ground stay: 300 euros (150 euros per month)
In summary, the costs for mooring a motor boat for one year are from 2,300 euros to 4,800 euros
First and foremost, antifouling once a year: 1,000/1,300 euros is the cost of the service provided by a shipyard and includes sanding, two coats of antifouling and three coats of antifouling. In case the owner prefers DIY, the costs are of the antifouling (about 3 liters for a 10-meter with two coats given) is about 300 euros. “In conclusion, you can guess that certain maintenance you can do yourself or on the cheap. However, it would be good practice for “major” work (a total engine overhaul, for example) to have an invoice and a detailed description of the work done and the parts replaced. Often when selling a used boat, the ‘biased’ statement does not have the effectiveness it should have if you cannot prove ‘when’ and ‘what’ was done.”
– Annual hauling/launching: 250/300 euro
– Thorough washing (construction site): 100/150 euro
– Antifouling complete work (construction site): 1,000/1,300 euros (DIY: 300 euros)
– Engine service (oil/filter/checks by technician): 300/400 euros
– Consumables (tops, touch-ups, grease, cleaning, etc.): 300/400 euros
– Insurance (from compulsory liability only for a 40 hp to comprehensive “Bodies” policy) from 50 to 2,500 euros
Total for a 10-meter: from 1,300 euros to 5,000 euros
4,000 TO 9,800 EUROS